- You need Myna Health Insurance card for your visit to hospitals from December 2, 2024!
- Benefits for those who apply for a Certificate of Disability
- Free coupon(s) from Sapporo for cervical and breast cancer screening
- How to have your prescription filled
- Sapporo Medical Communication Hotline 011-211-2121
- How to find a hospital
- Autumn 2023 COVID-19 Vaccination
- For all women undergoing screening for cervical or uterine cancer
- The 9-valent HPV vaccine is now available for free! (Since April 2023)
- Sapporo Pregnancy and Childbirth Support Benefits
- Vaccines available only at the designated medical facilities in Japan
- The first step to your Obstetrics and Gynecology visit at HIROSAKI: A Beginner’s Handbook 2022
- Chapter 1: Is my period normal? 私の月経(生理)って普通?
- Chapter2: The lifesaver for period! The low-dose pill. 生理の救世主!低用量ピル
- Chapter 3: Visiting an OB/GYN さあ、産婦人科へ行こう!
- Chapter 4: What we want those just starting to have sexual intercourse to know セックスデビュー世代に知っておいて欲しいこと
- Prices for Non-Routine Vaccination
- Novel Coronavirus information in Sapporo
- Fresh Kenshin“女性のフレッシュ健診“, a health checkup for women aged 18 to 39, hosted by Sapporo City
- Don’t forget to submit your current status information form, ‘Genkyo Todoke’ for Child Care Allowance, ‘Jidou Fuyo Teate’児童扶養手当
- Child Allowance
- The Cervical Cancer Vaccine (2vHPV and 4vHPV vaccine) in Sapporo as of April 2022
- Beware of Echinococcosis エキノコックス症
- Measles and Rubella(MR)!
- Protect yourself from the norovirus
- Genetic testing and some treatments for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome (HBOC) are now covered by health insurance.
- Vaccination Information in your country
- Are you National Health Insurance (NHI, “Kokuho”) card holder?
- Biliary Atresia Screening
- Neonatal screening in Sapporo
- Exercises for lower back pain (1)
- Exercises for lower back pain (2)
- RSV is highly contagious and a very common virus in winter, though these days, seasonal epidemics are changing.
- Sapporo-city offers rubella testing and/or vaccination for men who have the possibility of not being immune to rubella.
- Cancer Screening
- Female Doctors
- Emergency Contact List
- Sapporo City Hospital Breast Center (乳腺外来“Nyu-sen Gairai”)
- For safe travels in Japan – Guide for when you are feeling ill
- Where can you get HIV tested in Sapporo?
- In case of sudden illness or injury
- High-Cost Medical Expense Benefit (Eligibility Certificate for Ceiling-Amount Application)
- Ambulance
- Emergency Medical Consultation Center of Sapporo is available for non-Japanese speakers
- Pediatric emergency telephone consultation programs (abbreviated dial “#8000”)
- Free Rubella Antibody Test for preventing Congenital Rubella Syndrome(CRS)
- Special Offer Benefit for children raised in Hokkaido (どさんこ・子育て特典制度 “Dosanko・Kosodate Tokuten Seido”)
- Japanese Encephalitis (JPE) (日本脳炎Nihon No-en )
- Screening for Hepatitis B and C will be provided free of charge by Sapporo City
- Rubella on the rise
- The Hib Vaccine and Hib Infection
- If your household is exempt from paying income tax (2)
- Seasonal Influenza
- Rotavirus-the winter sickness and diarrhea bug
- Streptococcal Infection ( Sore throat with/without Scarlet Fever )
- Croup
- Printer friendly version
- Hospitals open on weekends and holidays
- Immunization for children
- Before going to the Hospital: Call your healthcare provider with this information about your labor condition.
- the Childbirth Lump-Sum Allowance
- Childbirth Assistance Program: Nyuin-Josan-Seido
- How to Take Your Basal Body Temperature. 基礎体温の測り方
- 基礎体温の測り方
- Dental Check-up for Pregnant Women.
- To women with Rh incompatibility (Rh negative or Irregular Antibody positive) during pregnancy
- Free Rubella Antibody Test for preventing Congenital Rubella Syndrome(CRS)
- Childbirth classes and the textbook
- Home visits for women who are in their first pregnancy.
- More tests have been added to pregnant check-up coupons
- Tests (GBS, Rubella)
- Maternity check-up calendar
- Information on Maternity Health Checkup Tests
- Maternal and Child Health Handbook
- For those mothers scheduled to have a C-Section
- For those who use free maternity health checkup coupons issued by Sapporo city
- The Japan Obstetric Compensation System for Cerebral Palsy
- Child Medical Assistance Program 【子ども医療費助成制度】
- Postpartum care is offered to mothers with newborn babies
- Changes to the Child Allowance System will take effect in October 2024.
- Starting April 1, 2024, the cost of postpartum checkups will be partially subsidized.
- DPT-IPV-Hib and PCV15 are now routine vaccination.
- The Sapporo Help Desk for Foreign Residents at the Sapporo International Communication Plaza Foundation.
- Vaccination Schedule chart
- English version of booklet of “Vaccination and Children’s Health 2024”
- Do you have any concerns about your child’s development?
- Immunization Information from the Public Health Office in Sapporo
- Vaccination Information in your country
- Vaccine Prices : updated 2022
- Do you need a vaccination record for your child?
- Let's start a baby-led, "complementary food" plan for your baby!
- We advise you to have your baby tested at the same time as the Newborn Mass Screening test.
- When to Use Formula Milk
- Vaccination questionnaire(英日併記予防接種予診票)
- Child Allowance
- More information about breastfeeding.
- Do you need an interpreter or a translator in Sapporo?
- Free routine immunization against measles and rubella is provided.
- How to use sterilizing solution
- Special Circumstances on Tuberculosis and BCG in Japan
- COVID-19 in children
- As of October 1, 2020, vaccination with a rotavirus vaccine has become a routine procedure for babies who were born on or after August 1, 2020.
- The Causes and Prevention of Tooth Decay
- Dental problems often seen in fetuses and babies up to 18-months old.
- Dental growth and development in fetuses to 18-month-old babies.
- People Can Easily Develop Vitamin D Deficiency
- To those who cannot get to a clinic or health center for your child’s next vaccinations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Have your newborn’s hearing tested for their healthy development.
- The English-Japanese Well-Baby/Child Visit Questionnaires
- How to introduce your baby to solid foods
- Exercises for lower back pain(1)
- Exercises for lower back pain(2)
- Do you have plans to take your baby who is less than 5 months old to a country with a higher prevalence of tuberculosis than Japan?
- The voluntary Mumps vaccination will be subsidized starting on Aug. 1, 2019.
- How to pump breast milk and store it in a bottle.
- Breastfeeding is good for your child.
- Beware of risk of a baby’s hip dislocation (dysplasia).
- Weaning your baby
- Hepatitis B vaccine will be provided free of charge to children under 12 months
- Long-Term TV/Video Watching Risks Infants
- Baby Walker (We do not recommend the use of Baby Walker.)
- Soft chairs (We do not recommend the use of soft chairs.)
- Mass screening in Sapporo City
- The “My Number”マイナンバー Individual Number system
- Birth Notification in Sapporo
- Health check-ups and development counseling for 5 year olds have begun as of October, 2014.
- Free routine immunization against chicken pox will begin from October 1, 2014.
- WHO Vaccine Preventable Diseases Monitoring System
- What is Inactivated Polio Vaccine?
- Polio Vaccination
- Well-baby check-ups
- How to clean an Umbilical Cord
- The Second round application deadline is January 31, 2025 for enrolling your child in daycare facilities (hoikuen) starting April 2025.
- Planning to enroll your child in a daycare facility (Hoikuen) for April 2025? Apply by November 29
- Sapporo Childcare Guide 2024 in English
- Infectious Childhood Diseases which require a Parental Report of recovery confirmed by a doctor. 医師の診断を受け、保護者が記入する登園届が必要な感染症
- Infectious diseases that prevent a child from attending day care without permission from a doctor. 感染症罹患後の登園許可
- A free Online Seminar for International Parents “Applying to Public Daycare Centers 2021” is now available on YouTube.
- Materials from childrearing Seminars in 2020 Have Been Published.
- Do you need an interpreter or a translator in Sapporo?
- Nursery choice
- Emergency Childcare Support
- List of authorized Day Care Centers in Sapporo
- Useful expression at Day care
- Additionally, the following new Day Care Centers will open on Apr. 1st 2014
- The following new Day Care Centers opened on Apr. 1st 2013.
- The Qualification for applying Authorized Day Care Centers(Nurseries)
- Food ingredients vocabulary for Muslims living in Japan ハラルフード食材リスト
- ハラルフード食材リスト
- Halal In Japan
- Baby Milk/ Formula
- Online stores... (Wessam and Mohamed from Egypt)
- Shops and Restaurants
- Halal food shops.... (Kobra from Bangladesh)
- I used to buy Halal meat, spices, pickles in these stores.... (E from Indonesia)
- Regarding Halal food info, I have made a file with various food ingredients that are.... (Ayman from Egypt)
- Unfortunately there is no halal formula milk for 0-9 month old baby available in Japan because they contain Taurine.... (Hasrizal from Malaysia)
- Pictures of Halal products ... (Zakaria & Samia from Egypt)
- Halal restaurants in Sapporo... (Mokhtar & Randa from Tunisia)
- Brief introduction on Halal food.... (T. D. from Syria)
- Baby milk, I think the only suitable one is HAI HAI milk... (Wageh from Egypt)
- List of Haram .... (Wessam and Mohamed from Egypt)