Child Allowance

Child Allowance, “Jidou-teate”【児童手当】

※The Child Allowance System will change taking effect from October 2024. Please check this page

This allowance is available for those who are raising children who are 15 years of age and younger by the time the application is due.

You will get 15,000 Yen per month if your child is under 3 years of age. Please apply at the ward office (”Kuyakusho”区役所) within 15 days after giving birth or within 15 days after moving into the city.

This allowance will be given until the child graduates from middle school. The amount of this subsidy will change depending on the child’s age, birth order, and family income.

You can only receive the Child Allowance once you apply to the program. Usually, you will receive the allowance starting at the next month from the time that your application was received.

The allowance will be transferred into the recipient’s bank account not into the children’s or the spouse’s account. As you will not receive notifications of transfers,  please check your account to see if it has been transferred or not. 

The Child Allowance starts in June and ends in May of the following year. The June Period (covering February-May) date of payment is Monday, June 13.

The Child Allowance system will partially change from June (effective from the October payment). 

As a general rule, submission of the current status notification (現況届 Genkyo-todoke) is no longer required. However, those who are exceptionally required to still submit the notification (listed below) will receive the form after mid-June.

If you have received the current status notification, please be sure to submit it or else you will not be able to receive the allowance from June onward.

Since most foreigners do not have a family register, submission of the current status notification will be required.

Those who will receive the current status notification are as follows
・Those who have not yet submitted their current status notification up to fiscal year 2021.
・Those who live separately from their spouses during divorce proceedings.
・Those who do not have the family register of the child for whom the payment is required.
・Others whose status needs to be confirmed.

Even if you have not received a current status notification, please promptly report when there are any changes in status.

For more information, access: (in Japanese)

The Health & Welfare Department of your residing Ward Office

Health Promotion Section, Sapporo Public Health Office

Last reviewed on June 18, 2022