10 Oct Hepatitis B vaccine will be provided free of charge to children under 12 months
Beginning October 1, 2016, children born after April 1st 2016 and are currently under 1 year of age are eligible for the Hepatitis B vaccination(HBV). The Hep B vaccination is required to be taken in three doses before the age of 1 year old. The first vaccination at 2 months, the second at 3 months and the third at between 7 months and 8months after birth are recommended. The interval between the first shot and the third requires 20 weeks or more. If your child was born this April and May and has never had HBV before, please calculate the deadline for getting this vaccination for your baby and be sure to have them within the required days.
(For example, a baby born on April 1 must get the first dose by November 11 in order to finish the vaccination before he/she becomes 1 year old.)
※ In case children take Hep B vaccination in conjunction with Anti-HBs human immunoglobulin in order to prevent mother-to-child transmission, it will be covered by the health insurance plan you subscribe to and exempt from routine immunization. In this case the vaccination will be scheduled at birth, 1 month and 6 months after birth.
For further information, please check the URL below.
8:00-21:00(Open Year-round)