Sapporo Childcare Guide 2024 in English  The online booklet "Sapporo Childcare Guide" provides detailed information on systems and related facilities for childcare in Sapporo. The English version of the Sapporo Childcare Guide 2024 , “さっぽろ子育てガイド2024” by the City of Sapporo was uploaded on i-Kohoshi (i広報誌).   Contact: Sapporo...

There are many times when you may need a translator or interpreter with you. You might have trouble reading Japanese documents, you may be applying for a nursery school for your child or meeting with nursery staff, or you may need help when visiting health...

If you need childcare services 【Day Care Center/Hoikuen保育園】 Day Care Centers might not be able to accept your child immediately because there are a lot of children on the waiting list. If both parents work full-time, they have priority. If you want your child to go to a...

If my child gets sick and I can’t stay home to take care of him, what shall I do? There are some services available for your children. Be prepared ahead of time for this emergency situation. 1. Day Service for Recuperating Children and Infants (Child Health Support Day- Service) If...

Japanese Conversations Lesson Teacher : おうち での ようすは どうでしたか? How was your baby at home ? Mother/Father : 1.きげん  が  よかった  です。:  S/he was in good mood. きげん  が  わるかった  です。  :  S/he was fussy. 2.おもちゃ を みて わらって いました。 : S/he smiled at his/her toy. わたし を みて わらって いました。 : S/he smiled at me. 3.よく のみます。 : S/he drinks his/her milk very well. あまり のみたがりません。 : S/he was reluctant to drink his/her milk. 4.さくばん は ○...

The following new Day Care Centers opened on Apr. 1st 2013. Center Name Address Ward Capacity Dream kids (*1) ドリームキッズ保育園 Higashi-Barato 1-1 Kita-ku 60 Art Child Care Sapporo, Yurigahara (*1) アートチャイルドケア札幌 百合が原 Yurigahara 1 Kita-ku 90 Shirayuki-Yume (*1) しらゆき夢保育園 Kita46 Higashi14 Higashi-ku 90 Asafu-Mutsumi (*1) 麻生むつみ保育園 Kita38 Higashi1 Hiashi-ku 90 Kikusui-Motomachi Dai 2 (*1) 菊水元町第二保育園 Kikusui-Motomachi 9-2 Shiroishi-ku 90 Yoshida-Gakuen Yashinoki (*1) 吉田学園やしの木保育園 Hiragishi 1-15 Toyohira-ku 120 Hachiken-Nishi Midorino (*2) 八軒西みどりの保育園 Hachiken 7 Nishi 11 Nishi-ku 90 Teine-Yamanami (*2) 手稲やまなみ保育園 Inaho 2-5 Teine-ku 90 *1 admit children...