If you or your family have any disabilities, you might want to consider obtaining a certificate of disability to receive various benefits. There are three types of certifications for persons with disabilities in Japan: 1)Physical Disability Certificate (身体障害者手帳、Shintai-Shougaisha-Techo)         For people with physical disabilities 2)Rehabilitation Certificate(療育手帳、Ryo-Iku-Techo)...

What is cervical or uterine cancer? There are 2 types of cancer that affect the uterus. Cervical cancer affects the entrance to the uterus known as the cervix. Uterine cancer, also known as womb cancer or endometrial cancer, affects the uterine body. Cervical cancer is predominantly caused by...

妊娠出産寄り添い給付金, "Ninshin-Syussan-Yorisoi-Kyufukin" Sapporo City provides "Sapporo Pregnancy and Childbirth Support Benefits" for those who become pregnant or give birth after April 2022. This benefit is financed from Japanese government grants consist 50,000 yen for pregnancy and 50,000 yen for each child after birth, along with...

Child Care Allowance,“Jidou Fuyo Teate”児童扶養手当 This allowance is provided to single-parent families with children for the purpose of a sound growth of children by stabilizing the life of single-parents. https://kosodate.city.sapporo.jp/mokuteki/money/hitorioya/1125.html(in Japanese) This system requires a confirmation of childcare statuses and income every August. Please fill out and return...

Child Allowance, "Jidou-teate"【児童手当】 ※The Child Allowance System will change taking effect from October 2024. Please check this page This allowance is available for those who are raising children who are 15 years of age and younger by the time the application is due. You will get 15,000 Yen...

If your household is exempt from paying income tax, you can undergo screening for stomach, colon, lungs, cervix, endometrium and breast free of charge. Please submit the tax exemption certificate for all members of your family when you apply. You can receive certificate at your...

"Kogaku-ryoyo-hi Gendogaku-tekiyo Nintei-sho" for those under 70 years of age 【高額療養費限度額適用認定証70歳未満】 If you/your dependents apply for the issue of the certificate,or Kogaku-ryoyo-hi Gendogaku-tekiyo Nintei-sho which certifies your limit of monthly medical care cost,your payment for the hospital will be flat sum. Further information,Please ask at the insurance organization-which...

Childbirth with Hospitalization Assistance【入院助産制度】 Information from Sapporo city http://kosodate.city.sapporo.jp/mokuteki/money/ninshin/962.html (in Japanese) Information from Hokkaido University International Women's club Childbirth with Hospitalization Assistance (in English)...