Don’t forget to submit your current status information form, ‘Genkyo Todoke’ for Child Care Allowance, ‘Jidou Fuyo Teate’児童扶養手当

Child Care Allowance,“Jidou Fuyo Teate”児童扶養手当

This allowance is provided to single-parent families with children for the purpose of a sound growth of children by stabilizing the life of single-parents. Japanese)

This system requires a confirmation of childcare statuses and income every August. Please fill out and return the “Current Status Information” Form (“Genkyotodoke”現況届) which will be sent to you by early August.

Even if you are qualified for the Child Allowance, if you fail to submit the form “Genkyotodoke” by August 31, you will not be able to receive the Child Allowance after November.

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we would like to ask you to complete the procedures by using surface mail whenever possible. To prevent postal accidents, we recommend that you send your order by registered mail with a record of the delivery, such as Specific record mail or Simplified registered mail.

 Please first contact the Welfare Subsidy Section at your ward office or the Sapporo City Call Center 011(222)4894 to complete it. They will provide you with the necessary forms. Please fill them out, put in an envelope and post it to return to us.

 Please be sure to consult them at your ward office beforehand, as the required documents will differ depending on your individual situation. They will continue to accept applications over the counter. If you are in a hurry, or if you would like to ask questions, consult with them, or have them explain how to fill out the forms in person, please use the counter.

Contact: Your Ward Office’s Health & Welfare Department in Japanese (contact information is listed at the bottom of Sapporo city’s web page), or the Sapporo City Call Center   Tel:011-222-4894  8:00a.m.- 9:00p.m. (Open Year-round)

Based on Sapporo childcare news on July 2022