18 Nov Before going to the Hospital: Call your healthcare provider with this information about your labor condition.
Your health care provider will tell you when you should come to the hospital based on the information you give them.
When you call, please be sure to tell them about the information below in Japanese so that they can obtain detailed information.
If you and your family do not speak Japanese, Please call Sapporo Medical Communication Hotline at 011-211-2121.
A telephone operator will interpret for you when explaining your condition or gaining instructions from your hospital within Sapporo.
What to tell your provider on the phone**
- (1)Name
- (2)Due date
- (3)Whether this is the first delivery or not (if experienced, how many times)
- (4)When the labor started
- (5)State of labor
- (6)Whether membranes are ruptured
- (7)If there is bleeding
As delivery approaches
- The indication: you will see vaginal discharge mixed with blood.
- False labor (false pains): you may feel contractive pains in the abdomen, which may be similar to labor pains, but the contractions are irregular and should be eased with time. It would be best if you observed calmly.
- You may feel cramps around the groin areas.
The time to come to the hospital
- When you feel regular contractions with labor pains (Jin-tsu) in your uterus, occurred every 10 minutes.
- When your membranes have ruptured (your waters have broken (Hasui)): you will feel a gush or leaking of warm fluid from the vagina. The membranes may rupture before the onset of labor. Please apply sanitary napkins and call the hospital immediately. Please do not take a bath because you may get an infection.
- When it starts bleeding a lot.
- When you have other abnormal signs (for example: you feel unbearable pains, you did not feel the baby moving for a whole day)
Here is a flyer with
“A list of things you may be asked when you call the hospital to inform your labor condition”
**How to say (1)-(7) in Japanese
Romaji and hiragana
(1)Patient’s Name is XXX.
- Namae-wa XXX desu.
- なまえはXXXです。
(2)Due date is XX (Month) YY (day).
- Yotei-bi-wa XX gatsu YY nichi desu.
- よていびはXXがつYYにちです
(3)Delivery Times:
(This is our first delivery.)
- Hajimete-no osan desu.
- はじめてのおさんです。
(This is our second delivery.)
- Futari-me desu.
- ふたりめです。
(This is our third delivery.)
- San-nin-me desu.
- さんにんめです。
(4)Labor started:
(Labor started at XX:YY.)
- Jin-tsu-wa XX-ji YY-fun ni hajimari mashita.
- じんつうはXXじYYふんにはじまりました。
(5)Contractions and Pain:
(The contractions are XX minutes apart.)
- Jin-tsu-wa XX fun oki desu.
- じんつうはXXふんおきです。
(The pain is getting stronger.)
- Dandan tsuyoku natte imasu.
- だんだんつよくなっています。
(The pain occurs in shorter intervals.)
- Kankaku-ga mijikaku natte imasu.
- かんかくがみじかくなっています。
(6)Water breaking:
(Water has broken.)
- Hasui shite imasu.
- はすいしています。
(The water hasn’t broken yet.)
- Hasui-wa mada desu.
- はすいはまだです。
(We are not sure if the water has broken.)
- Hasui-wa wakarimasen.
- はすいはわかりません。
(There was bloody show (a little bleeding).)
- Oshirushi-ga ari mashita.
- おしるしがありました。
(There is no bloody show (no bleeding).)
- Oshirushi-wa arimasen.
- おしるしはありません。
(There is a lot of bleeding.)
- Takusan shukketsu shite imasu.
- たくさんしゅっけつしています。
The information listed here are those of Kin-ikyo Sapporo Hospital. Please note that the questions asked by the medical institution will vary from one institution to another.