01 Apr The Sapporo Help Desk for Foreign Residents at the Sapporo International Communication Plaza Foundation.
At The Sapporo Help Desk for Foreign Residents you can consult about various topics about life in Japan as a Foreign Resident (resident status, government paperwork, Japanese language learning, child-rearing, etc.) Consultants are available in easy Japanese, English, and Chinese. In addition, other languages can be supported through telephone interpretation services. No reservation is required. Please feel free to contact us by phone or email also.
TEL: 011-211-3678
Flyer of the Sapporo Help Desk for Foreign Residents
E-mail: soudan@plaza-sapporo.or.jp
Website: https://www.plaza-sapporo.or.jp/citizen_j/en/
Location: Sapporo International Communication Plaza(MN Building 3F, Kita 1-jo Nishi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo)
Hours of Operation:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:30a.m. – 5:00p.m.
Extended Hours: Every Wednesday 9:30a.m. – 7:00p.m.
※Closed on national holidays and during the New Year’s holidays (Dec. 29 to Jan. 3).
Visit the website : http://plaza-sapporo.or.jp/citizen_j/en/
Email newsletter Sapporo multilingual news in English, Chinese, Korea and Japanese.