21 Nov Free Rubella Antibody Test for preventing Congenital Rubella Syndrome(CRS)
Sapporo-city offers the rubella test starting on Tuesday August 1, 2017 in order to prevent a baby from CRS.
Please refer to Congenital Rubella Syndrome by CDC
Tests (GBS, Rubella):For those who are not immune to rubella
Who is eligible for the free test?
- Women who wish to conceive a baby.
- The partner of a pregnant woman who hasn’t been tested before or has a low rubella antibody titer.
If you have ever had this test or the rubella vaccination, or diagnosed with rubella, you are not eligible for this test.
How is the test performed?
Blood test (Hemagglutination inhibition test (HI test) or Enzyme immunoassays (EIA)) is performed. It will take about one week to get the result of the test. Please ask the medical institute for details.
Where is it performed?
The rubella antibody tests are available, at the medical institutes designated by Sapporo city.
Sapporo city web page (in Japanese):
Otherwise you can call Sapporo City Call Center in English for this information.
Sapporo City Call Center
TEL: 011-222-4894 FAX: 011-221-4894
E-mail: info4894@city.sapporo.jp
URL: http://www.city.sapporo.jp/callcenter/