09 Jan For those mothers scheduled to have a C-Section
Please show “Gendogaku Tekiyou Ninteisho” (限度額適用認定証):
Eligibility Certificate for Ceiling-Amount Application
Health insurance system does not cover the cost of normal delivery but covers the partial cost of C-Section. If the medical charge is very expensive, you can receive an allowance for sizable medical expenses. Prepare “Gendogaku Tekiyou Ninteisho” in advance if you have a scheduled C-Section then your maximum amount of payment will be set in accordance with your incom証e. You do not have to prepare a lot of money for C-Section. You also do not have to claim a refund later.
Apply this “Gendogaku Tekiyou/ Gengaku Ninteisho”(限度額適用・減額認定証) to your health insurance system and show it when you are hospitalized.
You will need to pay for the other medical cost, however if you have already applied for the direct payment of ¥420,000 from the National Health Insurance, this cost is included in it.
Types of certificate and the monthly maximum amount (under 70 years old)
Please refer to “High-Cost Medical Expense Benefit Care”
Where to apply:
- National Health Insurance(国民健康保険”Kokumin kenko hoken”)—Insurance and pension section of the ward office (kuyakusho)
Bring your health insurance card. Tell them “Gendogaku Tekiyou Ninteisho o moushikomimasu” (I want to apply “Gendogaku Tekiyou Ninteisho”) or show them a Japanese version of this explanation that you have already received from the hospital.) - Kyokai Kenpo(協会健保)—Zenkoku Kenko Hoken Kyokai Hokkaido Branch (North 7 West 4, 011-726-0352)
- Social Health Insurance(社会保険”Shakai Hoken)—ask your office
You can apply this at free of charge on the spot.
If you have emergency C-Section, ask someone to apply this after delivery and show it before you are discharged from the hospital.
We recommend you to apply this in advance if there is a possibility that you might have C-Section. If you have normal delivery and do not use this system, that is fine. You can apply this prior to the delivery but remember that the certificate does not expire before due date. In case it expires, you need to apply again.
Please also refer to the “Certificate of benefits High-cost Medical Care“ page.
Information from Kin-ikyo Sapporo Hospital