If you have some symptoms, please contact #7119. A Japanese speaking nurse will answer your phone but you can ask for English assistance. If you do not have any symptoms, please ask Sapporo city call center. They will answer general questions. ◆【Phone】011-222-4894 ◆【FAX】011-221-4894         If you...

What is Echinococcosis? Echinococcosis is a disease in which the eggs of the echinococcus parasite enter the human body through the mouth, growing in the liver and other organs as larvae, and causing liver dysfunction. Because the larvae of echinococcus grow very slowly, it is said...

Food poisoning due to the norovirus occurs frequently between November and March. Please keep in mind the following points to prevent food poisoning. ①Thoroughly wash your hands with soap before preparing food, after going out, or after using the toilet. ②Heat foods that could potentially be contaminated...

⇒日本語 What is hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome (HBOC)?  It is estimated that five to ten percent of breast and ovarian cancers are closely associated with hereditary factors. In recent years, hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome (HBOC) has been recieving more attention.   Characteristics of HBOC If you are...

Do you have back pain? Try these exercises every day to alleviate lower back pain, stretch and strengthen your back muscles. These muscle treatments will not only ease but also prevent any back pain you might have. Exercises for lower back pain (1)  Exercise Stretches Guidelines Pace yourself...

Do you have back pain? Try these exercises every day to alleviate lower back pain, stretch and strengthen your back muscles. These muscle treatments will not only ease but also prevent any back pain you might have. Exercises for lower back pain (2)  For the Purpose of...

What is the Hib vaccine? It prevents diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) bacteria. Infection with the Hib bacteria may cause potentially fatal bacterial meningitis or severe epiglottitis. The Hib vaccine is already included in routine immunization schedules in more than 100 countries. What are...

What is influenza?Influenza starts with a feeling of being really sick all over, mainly infects the respiratory organs, is highly contagious and prevalent in winter. There are 3 types of influenza A ,B and C. Recently, most seasonal outbreaks are caused by two of the...

The rotavirus is a very contagious virus that can result in severe sickness and diarrhea in infants and toddlers. Gastroenteritis caused by the Rotavirus Almost all children aged between 6 months and 2 years of age will experience gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestines) due...

What is strep throat? Virtually all bacterial sore throats are caused by streptococcal bacteria (more commonly known as “strep”). The incubation period is between 2-5 days. The main symptom is a sore throat, but other symptoms may include a fever, headache, stomachache and vomiting. The tongue...

What is croup ? Croup is caused by a swelling in the larynx (voice box). Viral infections such as parainfluenza, RS and influenza viruses are the main causes. Symptoms include hoarseness due to swelling around the vocal cords and a harsh barking cough that sounds...

We introduce General Illness informations from several hospital, clinic etc.. Please download ones useful for you: = For Children = Rotavirus-the winter sickness and diarrhea bug Rotavirus Information.pdf Strep throat (Sore throat with/without Scarlet Fever) Strep throat Information.pdf The RS virus RS Virus Information.pdf Croup Croup.pdf Influenza Influenza.pdf Antiviral medication for Influenza:Tamiflu and...