Support Us

By donating:
As our interpreters’ services are free of charge, we kindly ask all our clients to support our services through donations. Any amount is greatly appreciated. We do not accept any dinner invitations or gifts to one particular member. Any contribution from non-client personnel or organizations wishing to support us will also make a difference. Your kind donation will subsidize our travel expenses and our regular study meetings to help us become better medical interpreters.

You can donate by bank transfer or cash through your interpreter on-site.


Bank account information
For payments between Japan Post Bank accounts or in cash from its ATM:
Code No: 19020 Account No: 57193441 トクヒ)セミサッポロ Tokuhi) SEMI Sapporo
For payments from other banks:
Bank Name: ゆうちょ銀行(ユウチョギンコウ) Japan Post Bank Co.Ltd.
Branch: キュウゼロハチ kyuuzerohachi (Branch Code:908)
Account Type: フツウ futsuu (Savings Account)
Account No.: 5719344 トクヒ)セミサッポロ Tokuhi) SEMI Sapporo


By giving us an oral presentation:
Please contact us if you can contribute by coming to our regular meetings and giving us a talk about your country and culture, your experience at hospitals in Japan, or other interesting topics. We would relish the opportunity to learn from you.


By becoming a supporting member:
The membership fee for supporting members is 2,000 yen annually (from April to March) and 30,000 yen annually for an organization.