01 Aug Special Offer Benefit for children raised in Hokkaido (どさんこ・子育て特典制度 “Dosanko・Kosodate Tokuten Seido”)
If you are pregnant or have elementary-school children or younger, you will be given a card for special offer benefit. You may get a variety of services by showing the card to participating stores, such as 5% discount for baby’s goods.
The card will be given with Boshi-Techo together at the time of a pregnant report or during a prenatal home visit.
For details please call a municipal office. If you live in Sapporo, call Sapporo contact center at 011-222-4894.
・Once you receive the card, write the following information on the backside of the card.
- parent’s or expectant mother’s name
- your child’s name and his/her date of birth
- the name of your resident city
・How to get the benefit:
You can find the national logo at participating stores . Then show your card to a salesperson at the store and ask what service you can receive.
Details and lists of the participating stores (in Japanese) are on the following URL:
北海道(どさんこ特典カード)”Dosanko Tokuten card”(PDF:349KB)