What is strep throat? Virtually all bacterial sore throats are caused by streptococcal bacteria (more commonly known as “strep”). The incubation period is between 2-5 days. The main symptom is a sore throat, but other symptoms may include a fever, headache, stomachache and vomiting. The tongue may...

What is croup ? Croup is caused by a swelling in the larynx (voice box). Viral infections such as parainfluenza, RS and influenza viruses are the main causes. Symptoms include hoarseness due to swelling around the vocal cords and a harsh barking cough that sounds...

We introduce General Illness informations from several hospital, clinic etc.. Please download ones useful for you: = For Children = Rotavirus-the winter sickness and diarrhea bug Rotavirus Information.pdf Strep throat (Sore throat with/without Scarlet Fever) Strep throat Information.pdf The RS virus RS Virus Information.pdf Croup Croup.pdf Influenza Influenza.pdf Antiviral medication for Influenza:Tamiflu and...

Hospitals on duty are listed here in Japanese updated daily (当番医) 当番医の情報はこちらで毎日更新されています。 https://www.spmed.jp/shinryo (in Japanese) Emergency hospital list from Sapporo  Web site (Translated by google) Otherwise you can call to Sapporo Citizen Contact Center in English for this information. Sapporo Citizen Contact Center TEL: 011-222-4894 FAX: 011-221-4894 E-mail: info4894@city.sapporo.jp URL: http://www.city.sapporo.jp/callcenter/   Sapporo Medical Association Night-Time...