A free Online Seminar for International Parents “Applying to Public Daycare Centers 2021” is now available on YouTube.

This seminar was held on October 8, 2021, for international parents who are considering using a daycare center, A presenter from the Bureau for the Future of Children, City of Sapporo introduced the application process and types of daycare centers.

URL: https://youtu.be/dt1Q69E20Fw

0:00  Opening

 0:27  The 4 types of authorized facilities.

7:23   Information for those who need childcare services (authorized daycare facilities)

14:25 Process from the application to enrollment

18:21  Process after the application is approved

23:20 Information for those who need childcare services (authorized facilities) [Early Childhood Education] 


Materials from the seminar: https://www.plaza-sapporo.or.jp/files/daycarecenterseminar_en.pdf

English/Entry guide to daycare centers: https://www.plaza-sapporo.or.jp/files/entryguide_en.pdf

English/Application form: https://www.plaza-sapporo.or.jp/files/applicationform_en.pdf

FAQ: https://www.plaza-sapporo.or.jp/files/daycarefaq_en.pdf